Friday, February 8, 2008

Colbert Report's Better Know a Lobbyist Interview

from 02-06-08

Colbert: What is the HRC?
Joe Solmonese: The Human Rights Campaign
Colbert: I thought it was the Homosexual Rights campaign
Solmonese: No, "Human Rights Campaign"
Colbert: I thought you worked for homosexual rights.
Solmonese: We do, but HRC is the "Human Rights Campaign."
Colbert: Are you saying that only homosexuals are humans and that straight people aren't humans? That's what you're implying with that name.
Solmonese: No, we're implying that gay rights are human rights.
Colbert: Well, aren't some people more human than others?
Solmonese: No.
Colbert: I'm straight, I can make other humans. Doesn't that give me a leg up?
Solmonese: No. I'm gay, I can make other humans too.
Colbert: But you choose not to -- so you've chosen not to be human.
Solmonese: No, I've chosen not to make other humans.
Colbert: So, if I use birth control, you're saying that makes me gay?
Solmonese: <thinks for a moment> ... Good question.

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